“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”Albert Einstein

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014


Yesterday, 11th November, 1º Bachillerato and their teacher Marta came to visit us. The purpose to conmemorate the Science Day. They prepare us two experiments, a Prezi presentation and videos .

The experiments 

  • How many drops are there  in an one -coin euro? 
  •  Can a clip float?
We don't know the answer to the first question because Zayra and  Noel were too nervous and they couldn't avoid the bubbles.
Don't worry, children . You can't be surgeons but you are very good at other activities.

The second, a clip can float with the help of a paper. Javi showed to us.

We also learn and touch a "matraz" as in the Palabrapedia we have this word.

Question: How do you say this word in English? 

Thanks to 1st Bach and their teacher Marta "the woman in white".

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