“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”Albert Einstein

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013


Healthy breaks?
 What is this? 

In our school,CPMI, the teachers decided to change our bad habits (eating buns, doughnuts...) for FRUIT.

Last year, on Wednesdays students brought a piece of fruit to eat during the break .
 Due to the success we extend the proposal to two days: Wednesdays and Fridays.

Before going downstairs, the classroom supervisor ticks on a grid the students who bring fruit.
When the course finishes, there will be a winner.
Who will win? 
Who knows? We have to wait.

Ah! Pay attention a girl from 4th grade had a very healthy idea: to have a healthy birthday. She brought delicious "brochetas" for the whole class.

Congratulations: Leire, we will copy from  your idea.

Yummy, yummy!!!!

Follow our advice and bring your fruit. Teachers, you too.

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